Antidandruff shampoo bar

Psoriasis of the Scalp

Psoriasis of the scalp

If you suffer from an itchy or flakey scalp you may have scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin on the surface of the scalp. It can be mild and almost unnoticeable in most cases but unfortunately it can also be severe and cause thick, crusted sores. It can also cause Intense itching that can be very uncomfortable and affect your everyday life. Scratching may also lead to skin infections and even hair loss.


If you suffer from scalp psoriasis you can find many different over the counter shampoos and hair/scalp treatments that potentially offer help to alleviate the symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

 Treatments for Psoriasis often contain ingredients like Salicylic Acid, Tar or Zinc Pyrithione. These ingredients target specific symptoms of the condition.


Zinc pyrithione is an ‘active’ ingredient that is commonly used in shampoos and products for scalp psoriasis. Zinc Pyrithione has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help reduce inflammation and control the growth of Malassezia, a type of yeast that can contribute to psoriasis.

Salicylic acid is another ‘active’ ingredient for helping to manage scalp psoriasis. Salicylic acid a keratolytic agent. This means that it helps to loosen and remove scales or plaques that may be present on the scalp. Salicylic acid works by softening the outer layer of the skin, allowing for easier shedding of the dead skin cells. Exfoliating away the dry dead skin cells may help to relieve the itchiness, scaling, and flaking caused by psoriasis.

Repeated use in the first week may also be beneficial to help get on top of the condition. This would be especially beneficial if the scalyness built up over time.

Brushing your hair and gentle brushing over the scalp and gentle massage are great ways to help stimulate blood flow to the scalp. The better the blood flow to the scalp the healthier your scalp will be.

Try and avoid wearing a hat whenever possible to reduce the possibility of sweat and bacterial build up.

Avoid rinsing your hair in excessively hot water as this can strip the scalp of the beneficial oils /sebum from the scalp creating more scalp stress. Blow drying, chemically treating your hair may also potentially cause scalp stress.